The idea of this post is to show a more in depth look at your humble author. Considering the amount of exciting titles being shown at the various conventions, this list wasn’t an easy task to complete. The more I think about it, the more I want to add some form of an addendum, but I won’t. I didn't want to over think my decisions too much either. So I wrote down my list as quickly as possible then wrote in the text later.
5 - Fallout 3 "Bethesda Softworks" (PC, PS3, 360)
I have to admit, while an unpopular opinion, I was not a fan of Oblivion. The world was just too generic fantasy for my tastes. While huge in scope, Oblivion seemed overambitious and dare I say, a bit hollow.
Fallout on the other hand has my hype-o-meter at almost a fever pitch. Post apocalyptic 1950's aesthetic, yes please. Toting hundreds of endings, and decisions that affect the world in real and game changing ways, including the possibility of destroying an entire town. I have a feeling that Fallout is going to push the envelope in new and interesting ways. Oh, and E3 best in show doesn't hurt either.
4 - Heavy Rain "Quantic Dream" (PS3)
Not much has been shown as of yet on Heavy Rain but already I am way excited. Made by the team that created "Indigo Prophesy" . Playing a cop who is investigating a serial killer, Heavy Rain has become a must watch in the upcoming months.
3 - Prince of Persia "Ubisoft" (PC, PS3, 360)
Just based on art direction alone this game deserves to be in this list. The decision to reduce the amount of fighting, which was always the biggest flaw with the series, by giving each area a sort of boss that you must battle throughout only further proves that this game has the potential to be even greater then any of its predecessors. My only slight concern is with the prince's snarky dialogue from the Leipzig gameplay trailer.
2- Dawn of War 2 "Relic" (PC)
To be fair, I am a huge fan of Relic. I was on the original Dawn of War beta. I love Company of Heroes. I am also a fan of the Warhammer 40,000 lore. So really this game, at least for me, is a perfect storm. Considering the direction that Relic is taking with real time strategy, I will be dumbfounded if this game is anything but fucking amazing. Oh, and they got the Tyranids in there too.
1 - Mirror's Edge "Dice" (PC, PS3, 360)
Hate all you want on E.A., but without them we wouldn't get this truly original idea from the makers of the Battlefield series. From first hearing about this way back in the form of just rumors till now after seeing some pretty awesome gameplay videos, all I can really say is "wow." A first person parkour game, that not only has no H.U.D., but looks more intriguing every time a new trailer is released.
It's worth mentioning that you're posts have been improving.
Great. Great. Great!
Besides that, as I'm typing this, well...
1. Prince of Persia.
Though the snarky dialogue concerns me too.
2. Chrono Trigger DS.
It's only cause I want to play a new CT dungeon, and because it could possibly, maybe, hopefully, somewhere, somehow preface a new Chrono announcement.
3. Mirror's Edge. T
he only truly original full price IP on the table right now.
4. (This is bull shit, and I don't know if it counts) Team Fortress 2 Next Class Pack.
I hate the achievement system implemented here, but the new maps and play options are creating a new online FPS experience that is better that any other FPS sequential version release before.
5. Kingdom Hearts and The Bullshit Fraction Adventure.
I don't care if it has a worse name than Infinite Undiscovery (BTW the spell check isn't recognizing "undiscovery"), the series has been beyond stellar so far (for me that includes the GBA entry) and I'm hoping TGS has some new news.
So I typed that stream of conscienceness. FFXIII is another notable. News there please. Also though I don't play the game, I know a lot about it. I'm excited to see what adding a new FUCKING CLASS to WOW does to the game. No MMORPG has added a totally new gameplay element like that before. I'm pretty sure it's either going to suck, or it's going to be exploit city.
Great POST!
Thanks a lot for the vote of confidence. I very much appreciate the comment.
"1. Prince of Persia.
Though the snarky dialogue concerns me too."
- My biggest concern with the dialogue was how incongruent it seemed with the new art direction. Granted this had much to do with the original trailer featuring that Sigur Ros song.(Link available in post)I was debating going into depth about this on a later post. If your interested in opening such a discussion drop me a line via comment, maybe then I will get off my ass and get to work.
"2. Chrono Trigger DS.
It's only cause I want to play a new CT dungeon, and because it could possibly, maybe, hopefully, somewhere, somehow preface a new Chrono announcement."
- Don't hold your breath.
"3. Mirror's Edge. The only truly original full price IP on the table right now."
- It's refreshing to see all of the interesting projects coming out out of "Evil" EA.
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